From the Principal Desk
T.N.Patel P.T.C.College striving to provide trained & good quality Primary teacher to society. The College programs & services are designed to assist the students to develop self confidence academic excellence & Creative capacity as they are future teachers of our society.
I am proud to say that entire staff of T.N.Patel P.T.C. College are working hard for training the student for best teacher. Heartly Congratulation to them for the academic success in achieving 100 % result for s.y. & f.y. in 2015-16.
T.N.Patel P.T.C. College has 3D vision that is Discipline , Dedication & Determination with this vision institute create excellent & dedicated teachers who gives a good service to well known English Medium Schools.
I wish all the best to all the students for realizing & achieving their goals. They must stand with confidence to serve the society to the best of their ability.